Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wooftmas and Meowmas

View more of Babetteandfriends cards on Snark blog or purchase them at her Shop

1 comment:

  1. Carissima Yanka.........
    A very, very

    Happy Wooftmas

    to you and all your Dearest too.....!!!

    I adore your Wooftmas tree, the Design...a delightful, charming and most beautiful work!

    It is always so inspiring, wonderful to step in your magic world of your enchanting art work....what a JOY to have you found!!!!!

    Would you mind, Yanka, if I present You on my blog in my Artist section?
    It would be my great Joy, if you permit me to put the Design of "Babette and friends" as a permament link !

    My personal blog right now is on a little winter-sleep,
    (my work this months was so very intense...) but I'll catch up in these days!

    Tantissimi Auguri ciao ciao elvira
