Sunday, August 2, 2009

Heathcliff And Catherine

The New Yorker has a contest every Autumn called The Critterati. Contestants are expected to submit photographs of their animal friends dressed up as literary characters. The most amateurish the better. They are looking for home made originality and not "store bought" cliché.
"Babette and Friends" decided Babette and Cooper would be our stars. Since they wake us up very early in the morning, we took our mini revenge and put them to "work". As we were dressing them up they "questioned" our sanity and commiserated amongst each other that humans were indeed very very odd. We, humans, on the other hand, used the beautiful morning's sun and our dogs perplexity for staging a most successful photo shoot and had lots of fun! Of course, they received plenty of chicken treats for their cooperation.
We submitted a similar photo as the one above but not this exact one.
Can you guess which characters they are portraying?
If not, click and find out here.

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