After reading page after page of Proust's description of his madeleines and because there is not a decent french pastry shop in the vicinity I baked my own madeleine tea cakes. Proust makes you do the most amazing things...
Voila the recipe I used:
1 cup sugar
3 eggs
Grated zest of 1 lemon (or orange)
2 1/4 cups cake flour
1 3/4 baking poser
1 teaspoon vanilla extract or three pinches of vanilla powder
5 oz unsalted butter, softened or melted but not warm
1/3 cup milk
Madeleine molds, pastry bag and plain tip
1. Brush molds with softened butter and then flour. Tap out extra flour.
2. Cream eggs and sugar in a mixing bowl with whisk or electric mixer, until light yellow and creamy.
3. Add dry ingredients and zest and beat until blended.
4. Beat in the butter and then milk.
5. Let rest for 10-15 minutes.
6. Set oven to 400˚F.
7. Pipe batter with pastry bag and tip into madeleine molds up to the rim. Bake for 12-15 minutes until golden. Cool them before you eat.
PS: With whole wheat flour, yogurt, pieces of chicken liver and pieces of small cubed apple and crushed garlic make a mix and pour it in madeleine molds -very very lightly oil the molds with flux oil or olive oil- and bake and make "doggy madeleines" and spoil your doggies!