Monday, May 17, 2010

Mushroom Princess

Last night we had a feast of mushrooms. I usually like to eat my mushrooms in olive oil with parsley and not overly disguised in heavy cream.
But, this recipe sounded great : wild dried porcini lasagna with sage, from Dean and Deluca Cook Book.
While washing the mushrooms I got an idea for a new fairy tale. I wrote it down immediately. It now waits to be edited. In summary it is about unlikely heroes, borzoi brothers named Oscar and Nico and their rescue of a princess. Because she had been turned into a porcini mushroom -by a wicked witch - this unlucky princess lives in the shape of a fungus without her feet to walk about, with a nice bunny family deep in the woods ... Lovely, isn't it? Now, how to rewrite this without scaring 7 year olds so that they don't cry every time they see a mushroom and get traumatized by seeing someone eat them...Hmmmm...
I read about the etymology of porcini and I came across this interesting information:
The standard Italian name porcini means 'piglets'(remember the expression porco miseria! porco=pig). Apparently the attribution derives from the young mushroom's resemblance to pig's ears.
In French we call them cèpe de Bordeaux.
Apparently it has derived from the Gascon cep which means "trunk" for porcini mushroom's fat stalk, ultimately from the Latin cippus "stake".

Whatever it is called, whichever continent it grows on and however it is cooked this meaty edible fungus is always so delicious!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mystery Visitor at the Farm

Hello, it is Babette here!

We had a mystery visitor! A little black cat who must have left home in a hurry without wearing a collar. How unwise!

My human thinks it is a lost house cat, but I think not, it is a barn cat all right,  with all that hissing scratching my human (what bad manners) she ought to be wild.

Cooper, Willy and I approached to say welcome with gentle woofs.  You would think he had seen the devil!  He climbed the maple tree and would not come down even after scrumptious treats were offered.
Silly cat! 
Nonetheless he remained in the garden. In the mornings as soon we lifted the shade here he was with big yellow eyes, gently meowing.  I guess it is kind of cute in a feline way.
We put out milk for him and he made himself comfortable under the porch and cleaned the plate with good appetite. Finally we became good friends. She had that ‘je ne cat quoi’, a wise wildness and comforting quietness.
My first cat friend. 

Then one day he was recognized by the postman, he said this cat belongs to someone, a neighbour 3 miles away. Apparently he was being searched for days: “ Haven’t  you seen the posters?  “ he asked. No we didn’t.
And now he is gone. 

I never liked that postman. 
Next time he comes around I plan to nip his ankle…
Apparently the cat was a she. 
NO wonder...

Friday, May 14, 2010

The sea in my mind


My human dreams of Maine these days. 
She keeps saying ‘Babette, very soon we will go by the sea, hear the waves, walk on the cliffs, go down on the beach, collect pebbles and eat fish cakes in a simple shack by the ocean and then feed the gulls’.

Well, I don’t like that big gaping bathtub she calls sea. Who knows what could be lurking under that deep puddle. I have no intention to get my pretty hair wet. Besides the lulling sighing song drives me nuts!
But how to woof this to her? 

 Collage available in Shop.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Storm is definitely brewing... There is already the smell of rain and wild flowers and hay in the air. Time to get my thunder wrap on!

Early Morning Mist

It is hard to believe only two weeks ago this very apple tree was struggling with April snow.



if you like the collage above you can find it and many more of Babette and friend's similar whimsical cards in our Shop.

Babette's dream

Last night Babette had an unusual and long dream. Her paws were in full motion and her ears and whiskers were twitching, her nose got very busy sniffing something interesting. Suddenly she moaned and made crying sounds and her legs moved more and more wildly as if she was now really really running and her tail started to go up and down and shake left and right. I believe what ever she was up to became not so pleasant anymore! When she opened her eyes, she had the face of a dazed dog. I wondered if she had a nightmare and was relieved to awake and get out of whatever she was dreaming. Of course we can never tell..

I read that not all animals that experience REM sleep necessarily dream. Some think that perhaps only mammals dream during REM sleep. However, dolphins, thought to be highly intelligent do not have any REM sleep whatsoever!

I was surprised to read that elephants,giraffes,cows,horses and even sheep dream too!

Apparently elephants don't change in posture when entering or exiting REM sleep. Therefore, it is often difficult to tell if they are in NonREM or REM sleep. It is hard to see the eye movements since their eyes are relatively small. However, some indicators of REM sleep in elephants, as well as other animals, are twitches, vocalizing and irregular breathing.

Giraffes have about 20 min. of REM sleep each night in episodes of 1-6 minutes each. During this time, they lie down, heads resting over their bodies or on the ground.

Horses which must lie down to experience REM sleep, sometimes move their legs while sleeping, and will even neigh in their sleep!

Sheep who often sleep in a "sphinx-like" position occasionally stretch out while sleeping. During this time, they experience many REM sleep-like sleep. During this time, they have eye movements and ears and their legs occasionally twitch.

Interesting, isn't it?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Days

Come fly with me!
'Babette and friends' cards in the Shop.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Etymology of the word: Dog


Fascinating information about the word Dog:
Dog (noun) In Old English O.E. docga, a late, rare word used of a powerful breed of canine. It forced out O.E. hund (the general Germanic) by 16c. and subsequently was picked up in many continental languages (cf. Fr. dogue, Danish: dogge), but the origin remains one of the great mysteries of English etymology.

Many expressions -- a dog's life (c.1600), go to the dogs (1610s), etc. -- reflect earlier hard use of the animals as hunting accessories, not pampered pets.
In ancient times, "the dog" was the worst throw in dice (attested in Greek, Latin, where the word for "the lucky player" was "the dog-killer"), which plausibly explains the Greek word for "danger," kindynas, which appears to be "play the dog."

Slang meaning "ugly woman" is from 1930s; that of "sexually aggressive man" is from 1950s. Dog tag is from 1918. To dog-ear a book is from 1650s; dog-eared in extended sense of "worn, unkempt" is from 1894.

In a letter addressed To King Edward VI, 15th May 1546, Queen Elizabeth I, wrote the sentence below { read the whole letter by clicking on the sentence if you are interested in Tudor History and to understand the meaning of the whole sentence}
Notwithstanding, as a dog hath a day, so may I perchance have time to declare it in deeds. [Queen Elizabeth, 1546]

It is ill wakyng of a sleapyng dogge. [Heywood, 1562]

Phrase put on the dog "get dressed up" (1934) may refer back to the stiff stand-up shirt collars that in the 1890s were the height of male fashion (and were known as dog-collars at least from 1883), with reference to collars worn by dogs. The common Spanish word for "dog," perro, also is a mystery word of unknown origin, perhaps from Iberian.

Did you ever wonder where do the phrase "The Dog Days" come from?
Not from our dogs but from stars and calendars.
It is first recorded in 1538 as Dies Caniculares in Latin. In Greek it was known as Kyon Seirios. Greeks thus named time period around the heliacal rising of Sirius (q.v.), the Dog-star, noted as the hottest and most unwholesome time of the year; usually July 3 to Aug. 11. But variously calculated, depending on latitude and on whether the greater Dog-star (Sirius) or the lesser one (Procyon) is reckoned.
The heliacal rising of Sirius has shifted down the calendar with the precession of the equinoxes; in ancient Egypt c.3000 B.C.E. it coincided with the summer solstice, which was also the new year and the beginning of the inundation of the Nile. The "dog" association apparently began here (the star's hieroglyph was a dog)

Our friend Courage the Shepherd dog!

We got very good news today about our friend Courage's recovery. He had been neglected and starved for weeks and was struggling between life and death when rescued by
German Shepherd Rescue of Orange county. He went through extensive and painful treatments and finally he is on his way to new beginnings. We send him love and happy kisses and woofs and many thanks to the good people at the German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County for their selfless work. We need more two leggeds like you!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dogs Are Shakespearean, Children Are Strangers


Dogs are Shakespearean, children are strangers.
Let Freud and Wordsworth discuss the child,
Angels and Platonists shall judge the dog,
The running dog, who paused, distending nostrils,
Then barked and wailed; the boy who pinched his sister,
The little girl who sang the song from Twelfth Night,
As if she understood the wind and rain,
The dog who moaned, hearing the violins in concert.
—O I am sad when I see dogs or children!
For they are strangers, they are Shakespearean.

Tell us, Freud, can it be that lovely children
Have merely ugly dreams of natural functions?
And you, too, Wordsworth, are children truly
Clouded with glory, learned in dark Nature?
The dog in humble inquiry along the ground,
The child who credits dreams and fears the dark,
Know more and less than you: they know full well
Nor dream nor childhood answer questions well:
You too are strangers, children are Shakespearean.

Regard the child, regard the animal,
Welcome strangers, but study daily things,
Knowing that heaven and hell surround us,
But this, this which we say before we’re sorry,
This which we live behind our unseen faces,
Is neither dream, nor childhood, neither
Myth, nor landscape, final, nor finished,
For we are incomplete and know no future,
And we are howling or dancing out our souls
In beating syllables before the curtain:
We are Shakespearean, we are strangers.

Delmore Schwartz, “Dogs Are Shakespearean, Children Are Strangers” from Selected Poems (1938-1958): Summer Knowledge. Copyright © 1967 by Delmore Schwartz.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Science proves: Dogs Detect Human Emotion

They could have saved their time and money.  Anyone who lives with animals knows they do indeed detect emotions and navigate the changes.
Maybe the scientists should study why most humans do not.